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Current NASA Officers

The North American Saxophone Alliance is an organization made up of individuals who share a common interest in the saxophone. Members include professional performers, university professors, public school teachers, students of all levels, and others who have an interest in the saxophone. In addition to the Alliance's emphasis on disseminating information concerning the saxophone, the organization also works to provide opportunities for its members to make music, fostering fellowship among saxophone enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds.

Past NASA Officers | Executive Committee | Appointed Officers | Regional Directors | Committee Chairs

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Executive Committee

Photo of Kim Goddard Loeffert

Kim Goddard Loeffert

Board Position: President
NASA Member Since: 2001
University / Organization: Virginia Tech
Photo of Jessica Voigt-Page

Jessica Voigt-Page

Board Position: Immediate Past President
NASA Member Since: 2010
University / Organization: Airtable
Photo of Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen

Board Position: President-Elect
NASA Member Since: 2000
University / Organization: Georgia College & State University
What I Love About NASA: I love NASA for its ability to bring together all those who adore the saxophone. Everyone who holds membership in the Alliance has a wonderful thing in common: We all cherish the greatest instrument on Earth. As a group, we can share information, research, pedagogical ideas, music, and so much more! Since I was fourteen, NASA has been my entrée into the entire world of our great instrument.
Photo of Noa Even

Noa Even

Board Position: Treasurer
NASA Member Since: 2003
University / Organization: Rowan University
What I Love About NASA: The energy! Members of this organization inspire and support each other, think creatively, and care deeply about their work. As NASA continues to grow and evolve, these values seem to be the thread that carries through.
Photo of Bobbi Thompson

Bobbi Thompson

Board Position: Secretary
NASA Member Since: 2008
University / Organization: University of Western Ontario
What I Love About NASA: I love the friendships that are cultivated through NASA! Our conferences are an opportunity for members to meet new people, listen, encourage, and learn from each other's creative activities. Our community inspires new projects, and we work collaboratively to help support and realise the potential of our artistic pursuits as saxophonists.
Photo of Gene Smith

Gene Smith

Board Position: Jazz Coordinator
NASA Member Since: 2011
University / Organization: GSO Jazz LLC, Jackson State University
What I Love About NASA: I love being an advocate for the saxophone. I also cherish the opportunity to help guide NASA towards greater sustainability so the organization can be funded into perpetuity.
Photo of Julia Nolan

Julia Nolan

Board Position: Director of Scholarly Publications
NASA Member Since: 1984
University / Organization: University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
What I Love About NASA: What began as an idea with Eugene Rousseau and Paul Brodie, NASA has blossomed into an important international presence in global musical communities. I enjoy hearing music that is new, old, and in-between performed by professionals, students, and enthusiasts, renewing old friendships, and making new ones at the local, national, and international conferences. Good times, good friends, good music, and a great organization!
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Appointed Officers

Photo of Andrew Allen

Andrew Allen

Position: Saxophone Symposium Assistant Editor
NASA Member Since: 2000
University / Organization: Georgia College & State University
What I Love About NASA: I love NASA for its ability to bring together all those who adore the saxophone. Everyone who holds membership in the Alliance has a wonderful thing in common: We all cherish the greatest instrument on Earth. As a group, we can share information, research, pedagogical ideas, music, and so much more! Since I was fourteen, NASA has been my entrée into the entire world of our great instrument.
Photo of Kurt Bertels

Kurt Bertels

Position: Saxophone Symposium Primary Reviewer
NASA Member Since: 2017
University / Organization: Utrecht University (Netherlands) + Lemmensinstituut (Belgium)
Photo of Myles Boothroyd

Myles Boothroyd

Position: Saxophone Symposium Editor
NASA Member Since: 2009
University / Organization: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
What I Love About NASA: I am grateful for this incredible forum in which saxophonists everywhere can share new ideas, present diverse music, learn about their craft, and inspire one another. NASA is a vibrant light for the continued celebration and mastery of our instrument!
Photo of Adrianne Honnold

Adrianne Honnold

Position: Coordinating Editor of Reviews
NASA Member Since: 1995
University / Organization: Lewis University
What I Love About NASA: I've been attending NASA conferences since the 1990s, and what I love about the conferences and our organization is the community. We come together for our shared love of the saxophone and music-making, and to me, NASA represents a profound sense of belonging. I hope we continue working toward welcoming everyone into our association and providing a supportive community for all saxophonists.
Photo of Austin McFarland

Austin McFarland

Position: Marketing Admin
NASA Member Since: 2017
What I Love About NASA: I love the collaboration and camaraderie that NASA provides to the saxophone community. NASA provides so many opportunities for saxophonists of all ages to come together, learn, and grow as more than just musicians that share a love of the saxophone.
Photo of Nathan Mertens

Nathan Mertens

Position: Director of Marketing and Development
NASA Member Since: 2008
University / Organization: University of Colorado Boulder
What I Love About NASA: Throughout my journey, NASA has continued to inspire, rejuvenate, and challenge me as a musician and person. I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of such an amazing community of saxophonists who support each other, music, and the instrument.
Photo of Alexia McLean

Alexia McLean

Position: Social Media Outreach
NASA Member Since: 2019
University / Organization: Syracuse University
What I Love About NASA: I treasure the community and friendships that NASA has given me. Not only has NASA a brought exceptional opportunities of the saxophone, it has also enhanced comradery amongst amazing individuals.
Photo of Uday Singh

Uday Singh

Position: Saxophone Symposium Primary Reviewer
NASA Member Since: 2017
University / Organization: Eastman School of Music
What I Love About NASA: The spirit of collaboration and community has always been my favorite part of NASA. Everything that NASA does, from conferences to publications, reflects the shared goal of the saxophone world to bring our beloved instrument to prominence. As a member of this community it is easy to find inspiration to continue work on this important project.
Photo of Matt Younglove

Matt Younglove

Position: Membership Director
NASA Member Since: 2009
University / Organization: Tennessee Technological University
What I Love About NASA: I am grateful for the many years of devoted work and passion that the NASA community gives to our exceptional instrument. Our community of performers, teachers, scholars, students, amateurs, creatives, and enthusiasts is an amazing and supportive group from diverse backgrounds and with unique perspectives.
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Regional Directors

Photo of Idit Shner

Idit Shner

Position: Region 1 Director (WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, AK)
NASA Member Since: 2005
University / Organization: University of Oregon School of Music and Dance, Professor of Saxophone and Jazz Studies
What I Love About NASA: NASA brings people from different regions and backgrounds together sharing all things saxophone. I love how the saxophone can sound a million different ways; it would be so boring if we all sounded the same! Going to the NASA conferences and hearing people's different sounds and concepts is something I cherish.
Photo of Lindsey O'Connor

Lindsey O'Connor

Position: Region 2 Director (CA, NV, UT, AZ, CO, NM, HI)
NASA Member Since: 2009
University / Organization: College of Southern Nevada
Photo of Ann Bradfield

Ann Bradfield

Position: Region 3 Director (ND, SD, NE, MN, IA)
NASA Member Since: 2008
University / Organization: University of Northern Iowa
Photo of Jonathan Nichol

Jonathan Nichol

Position: Region 4 Director (KS, OK, MO, AR, TX)
NASA Member Since: 2008
University / Organization: University of Oklahoma / Director of the School of Music and Professor of Saxophone
Photo of Nicki Roman

Nicki Roman

Position: Region 5 Director (WI, IL, IN, OH, MI)
NASA Member Since: 2010
University / Organization: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Photo of Adam Estes

Adam Estes

Position: Region 6 Director (LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, PR)
NASA Member Since: 2011
University / Organization: The University of Mississippi, Associate Professor of Saxophone and Bassoon
What I Love About NASA: I've always enjoyed the community-building that comes from our annual conferences. For the past 20 years, I have attended these events, and in addition to the sharing of ideas, teachings, and performances, meeting others and establishing relationships in our field has always been my favorite aspect of NASA.
Photo of Ian Jeffress

Ian Jeffress

Position: Region 7 Director (KY, TN, VA, NC, SC, MD, DE, DC)
NASA Member Since: 1985
University / Organization: Western Carolina University
Photo of David Stambler

David Stambler

Position: Region 8 Director (NY, PA, NJ, WV, CT, MA, RI, VT, ME, NH)
NASA Member Since: 1987
University / Organization: Penn State School of Music, Professor of Saxophone
What I Love About NASA: NASA is a community of saxophone artists, scholars, and enthusiasts from whom we all continue to learn. We serve each other as a great resource for repertoire, pedagogy, and performance activity, and we constantly remind each other of the ever-evolving standards of excellence.
Photo of Glen Gillis

Glen Gillis

Position: Region 9 Director (BC, AB, SK, MB, YT, NT, NU)
NASA Member Since: 1982
University / Organization: University of Saskatchewan, Professor of Music
What I Love About NASA: The opportunity to hear and collaborate with many musicians and the presentation of so much new music for the saxophone.
Photo of James Kalyn

James Kalyn

Position: Region 10 Director (QC, NL, NB, NS, PE, ON)
NASA Member Since: 1989
University / Organization: Mount Allison University, Associate Professor
What I Love About NASA: The shameless play on the NASA name. We can be completely professional about our art and still have fun.
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Committee Chairs

Photo of Allison Balcetis

Allison Balcetis

Position: Committee for Gender Equity Co-Chair
NASA Member Since: 2008
University / Organization: University of Alberta
What I Love About NASA: I love the cross-pollination that takes place when we all get together. Ideas about pedagogy, performance, repertoire, and equipment get to spread far and wide. It's fascinating to see how these ideas take root, transform, and are reinterpreted across the geographic regions of NASA.
Photo of Myles Boothroyd

Myles Boothroyd

Position: 2024 NASA Conference Program Chair
NASA Member Since: 2009
University / Organization: University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
What I Love About NASA: I am grateful for this incredible forum in which saxophonists everywhere can share new ideas, present diverse music, learn about their craft, and inspire one another. NASA is a vibrant light for the continued celebration and mastery of our instrument!
Photo of Adrianne Honnold

Adrianne Honnold

Position: Nominating Committee
NASA Member Since: 1995
University / Organization: Lewis University
What I Love About NASA: I've been attending NASA conferences since the 1990s, and what I love about the conferences and our organization is the community. We come together for our shared love of the saxophone and music-making, and to me, NASA represents a profound sense of belonging. I hope we continue working toward welcoming everyone into our association and providing a supportive community for all saxophonists.
Photo of Jonathan Hulting-Cohen

Jonathan Hulting-Cohen

Position: Committee for Gender Equity Co-Chair
NASA Member Since: 2010
University / Organization: University of Massachusetts Amherst
What I Love About NASA: I appreciate NASA's formal and informal mentoring opportunities, the opportunity to hear saxophone music for the first time at the conferences, and the friendships I've developed over the years.
Photo of Nicki Roman

Nicki Roman

Position: Classical Competition Chair
NASA Member Since: 2010
University / Organization: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
What I Love About NASA: NASA presents a platform for saxophonists to share their artistic voice. What I love most about this organization are the people, and to me, that is what makes NASA great. Since first joining the organization, it has been a constant source of inspiration.
Photo of Jordan VanHemert

Jordan VanHemert

Position: Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility Co-Chair
NASA Member Since: 2008
University / Organization: Columbus State University
What I Love About NASA: I love how NASA can bring together so many exciting approaches to the same instrument. I am always in awe of hearing everyone's unique approaches, and I love how conferences allow us to hear about what everyone is passionate about. It is inspiring.
Photo of Kendra Wheeler

Kendra Wheeler

Position: Committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Accessibility Co-Chair
NASA Member Since: 2015
University / Organization: Central Washington University
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