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Former NASA Officers

The North American Saxophone Alliance is an organization made up of individuals who share a common interest in the saxophone. Members include professional performers, university professors, public school teachers, students of all levels, and others who have an interest in the saxophone. In addition to the Alliance's emphasis on disseminating information concerning the saxophone, the organization also works to provide opportunities for its members to make music, fostering fellowship among saxophone enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds.

Current NASA Officers


Frederick Hemke 1976-1978


Eugene Rousseau 1978-1980
Steven Mauk 1980-1984
Kenneth Fischer 1984-1986
Ronald Caravan 1986-1988
Dale Underwood 1988-1991
William Street 1992-1993
Michael Jacobson 1995-1996
Kandace Brooks 1997-1999
John Sampen 1999-2000
Paul Bro 2001-2002
Joseph Lulloff 2003-2004
Jonathan Helton 2005-2006
Steven Stusek 2007-2008
Debra Richtmeyer 2009-2010
John Nichol 2011-2012
Clifford Leaman 2013-2014
Kenneth Tse 2015-2016
Griffin Campbell 2017-2018
Chris Creviston 2019-2020
Jessica Voigt-Page 2021-2022
Kim Goddard Loeffert 2023-2024
Andrew J. Allen 2025-2026

President Elect

Joseph Lulloff 2001-2002
Jonathan Helton 2003-2004
Steven Stusek 2005-2006
Debra Richtmeyer 2007-2008
John Nichol 2009-2010
Clifford Leaman 2011-2012
Kenneth Tse 2013-2014
Griffin Campbell 2015-2016
Chris Creviston 2017-2018
Jessica Voigt-Page 2019-2020
Kim Goddard Loeffert 2021-2022
Andrew Allen 2023-2024
Myles Boothroyd 2025-2026

Past President

Paul Bro 2003-2004
Joseph Lulloff 2005-2006
Jonathan Helton 2007-2008
Steven Stusek 2009-2010
Debra Richtmeyer 2011-2012
John Nichol 2013-2014
Clifford Leaman 2015-2016
Kenneth Tse 2017-2018
Griffin Campbell 2019-2020
Christopher Creviston 2021-2022
Jessica Voigt-Page 2023-2024
Kim Goddard Loeffert 2025-2026

First Vice-President

John Sampen 1988-1991
Jamal Rossi 1991-1992
Debra Richtmeyer 1992-1993
Bruce Ronkin 1993-1995
Paul Bro 1995-1999

Second Vice-President

Laura Hunter 1988-1993
Debra Richtmeyer 1993-1996
Jeffrey Waters 1996-1998
Joseph Lulloff 1998-1999

Executive Assistant

Richard Crittenden 1978-1980


William Schwab 1976-1978
Thomas Beers 1978-1980
Richard Shanklin 1980
Robert Hamberg 1980-1981
Judy Mauk 1981-1984
Kandace Farrell 1984-1986
William Fredrickson 1986-1988
Frank Bongiorno 1988-1990
Keith Young 1991-1995
Gail Levinsky 1995-2001
Timothy Roberts 2001-2004
David Stambler 2005-2013
Robert Young 2013-2014, 2016
J. Michael Weiss-Holmes 2015
Carrie Koffman 2017-2018
Stephen Page 2019-2020
Steven Banks 2021-2022
Bobbi Thompson 2023-2024
Jordan VanHemert 2025-2026

Membership Director

Richard Kennell 1976-1978
Richard Shanklin 1978-1980
Michael Jacobson and Richard Ezell 1980-1982
Michael Jacobson 1982-1984
Frank Bongiorno 1984-1985
Jamal Rossi 1985-1986
Daniel Neville 1986-1987
Joseph Powel 1987-1989
Connie Underwood 1989-1990
David Lovrien 1990-1992
Paul Bro 1992-1995
Jonathan Helton 1995-2002
Kenneth Tse 2002-2008
James Romain 2008-2018
Joshua Thomas 2018-2021
Matt Younglove 2021-Present

Director of Scholarly Publications

James Houlik 1976-1978
Steven Mauk 1978-1980
Lee Patrick 1980-1991
Allyn Reilly 1991-1994
Thomas Smialek 1994-2002
Jonathan Helton 2002-2003
Thomas Liley 2003-2013
Eric Nestler 2013-2015
Julia Nolan 2015-Present

Jazz Coordinator

Bunky Green 1976-1978
Ramon Ricker 1978-1984
Jamey Abersold 1984-1986
Jean Lansing 1986-1988
John Gunnar Mossblad 1988-2005
Rick VanMatre 2006-2012
Brad Leali 2012-2020
Gene Smith 2021-Present

Editor, The Saxophone Symposium

Walker Smith 1976-1978
Ronald Caravan 1978-1984
Thomas Liley 1984-1986
Brian Ayscue 1986-1989
Brad Foley 1989-1990
James Dawson 1990-1994
Allyn Reilly 1994-1996
Thomas Smialek 1996-2005
Stacy Maugans 2005-2007
Jennifer Turpin 2007-2014
Jennifer Blackwell 2014-2022
Myles Boothroyd 2022-2024
Bobbi Thompson 2025-Present


Brad Foley 1988-1993
Kandace Brooks 1993-1996
Andy Wen 1996-2001
Gail Levinsky 2001-2003
Thomas Walsh 2003-2007
Scott Turpen 2007-2008
Andrew Dahlke 2009-2010
Frank Bongiorno 2011-2013
David Stambler 2013-2014
Stacy Maugans 2015-2016
Nathan Nabb 2017-2018
Nathan Bogert 2019-2020
Noa Even 2021-2024
Nathan Mertens 2025-2026

Update Editor

Ellen Horner 1996-2002
Scott Turpen 2002-2007
Carolyn Bryan 2007-2012


Griffin Campbell 2001-2008
Thomas Lowry 2008-2014
Don Dinnerville 2014-Present